Die Zeit der Einfütterung ist für jeden Imker sehr anstrengend und körperlich belastend. Die Futtersirup Pumpe soll dass Füttern der Bienen wesentlich erleichtern.

Der Sonnenwachsschmelzer ist im Sommer das wichtigste Geräte für eine gute Wabenhygiene. Aber was kann ich machen wenn die Sonnentage selten sind und zu viele alte Waben zum Einschmelzen anfallen? Hier zeige ich euch eine einfache Lösung wenn die Leistung des Sonnenwachsschmelzers nicht ausreicht, um die alten Waben einzuschmelzen bevor sie von Wachsmotten zerfressen werden.

This project describes how a webcam for observing the bees with a Raspberry Pi and a camera module can be built easily and cheaply.

The DIY WiFi hive scale determines the weight of the bee colony every hour and transmits the value to the cloud4Bees data server via the WiFi network. The data server saves the data in a database and offers various options for displaying the data.

With the 4Bees hive stand, setting up bee colonies is child's play. The assembly of the 8 parts is possible without tools and can be done in less than 5 minutes. Thanks to the adjustable frame feet, the hive stand can be adapted to any terrain.

The BeeMobil is a mobile apiary that offers space for 13 colonies or 25 cuttings and can be easily moved to a new location with a car trailer.

The weather and the climate have a significant influence on the development and health of our bees. The development of the weather and the effects on our bees is of particular interest to every beekeeper.

Help our bees with a variety of flowers in your own garden. The increase in monoculture areas and the disappearance of varied flower meadows make it more and more difficult for our bees to find food. Parks and gardens with a great diversity of species are becoming more and more important for our bees.

Bee-Social.org is an internet portal for the collection and dissemination of knowledge on the subject of bees. This should make it easier for the beekeeper to quickly and easily access the information relevant to his work with the bees.